Graduate School of Information Science,
Hosei University
WEB System Development by Ruby on Rails

Last Updated on 07/Oct/2012

Time Table of Original TOP page(Japanese Only)

About the lecture title of this course

Lecture Materials

Day Date PDF Text Materials
Day 1 20/Sept/2012 What is Web Application?
Day 2 27/Sept/2012 IDE, Scaffolding, and Internationalization
Day 3 4/Oct/2012 Learn MVC Model
Day 4 11/Oct/2012 Hyper Text Markup Language; HTML
Day 5 18/Oct/2012 Style Sheets
Day 6 25/Oct/2012 Database Language SQL
Day 7 8/Nov/2012 Relational Database and SQL
Day 8 15/Nov/2012 Ruby Language
Day 9 22/Nov/2012 Grammar of Ruby
Day 10 29/Nov/2012 Data Flow in Rails
Day 11 6/Dec/2012 File uploads and image display
Day 12 13/Dec/2012 Session Management
Day 13 20/Dec/2012 Login Screen
Day 14 /Jan/2013 Summary of First Semester

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Welcome to Ikuo Kobayashi's WEB page. I am teaching at Hosei University on Thursday, and rest of the week days, I am teaching Medical and Clinical Engineering at Teikyo Heisei University. Just because I was working for a medical equipment company as a software engineer, I happen to become a university teacher.

As for the title of this course, gWeb System Development by Ruby on Rails,h I though I had made two mistakes. The first point is that we usually give much vague title for lecture subject title such as gWeb Programming,h or gWeb System Development.h Because, in case the computer language would have become less popular, we could easily change the language and the environment of the development platform without asking the approval of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan, so that the lecture could survive. As the result, my lecture would not survive when Ruby on Rails had become less attractive.
The second point is the title itself. When I was first asked to name the course, I immediately give this title: Web System Development BY Ruby on Rails. Well then, after several months, I thought, gwhat does this preposition ebyf mean?h Ruby on Rails is a very powerful development environment, and we do not have to think too much to get the prototype of web program. So, the feeling is that actually eRuby on Railsf developed the prototype of systems, and not I. As the result, I used the preposition ebyf before eRuby on Rails.f Then the question is gwhat is the systems engineersf involvement in the development process?h Apparently, I should have given the name: Web System Development WITH Ruby on Rails. I was too honest to confess that it was not I to write the systems program but Ruby on Rails. Here again, I cannot change the title of this lecture because it requires the approval of the Ministry of Educationcand Technology Japan.
Well, okay, no problem. Ruby on Rails and I share the same destiny.

Despite I have come to love this development platform so much, my lecture slides contains several bugs and misprints. A poor man has no time for leisure to fix problems. Apart from the limit of my English language capability, I feel a bit ashamed of the programming mistakes in the slides. And I know, my lecture slides contain many points to rewrite. Still I decided to open my poor lecture slides to the public. I appreciate many web page information suppliers. Many web pages had helped me solving problems. Now I want to return a favor. So I open my lecture slides.
Therefore, please be aware that my slides are not perfect, and if you think they are useful, please feel free to use them in any form. If they could help you, that is my pleasure.

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